Really solid app with room for improvement
First off, this app is really fun to use and produces great clips to share. Its easy to use after some practice.
1. Stability-There have been a few times where I was working on a detailed "spin" and the app will crash. If it crashes, the unfinished project is lost.
On top of making the app more stable, add a save feature so you can come back to a video.
2. Add layers and the ability to adjust previous effects. If I want to go back to resize a clip out, I have to go back and undo all the previous work Ive done to get back to that point.
3. Fine tune audio - the new audio feature is great but users are limited to only a 6 second clip. Add a feature where the user can isolate a selected time frame (ex: 10 seconds) and work with that selection in more detail.
4. Add filters to cut outs-some of the video is grainy and the cut out is HD. Some of it adds to the humor that comes with that app but same times it draws away from the clip as a whole.
5. Fix/use the website and allow users to create video on a computer. Right now, is no more than an instruction guide to a pretty self explanatory app. Give users the ability to edit/create spins from there. Users are going to be able to create better clips.
Better clips = better product = more users = more exposure= dolla dolla bills yall.
With the foundation that this app has, it has the ability to go up against vine and other social media sites.
This is one of a few apps on that I would be willing to pay for.
SEAallday206 about
Spun - mashup pop culture video memes